In the last 6 months, we've had bunches of friends and family members having babies. It's wonderful to have them around, but it makes me feel a bit anxious to make babies with my man. We don't think that this is the right time, but we are ready when God is ready. So what happens if I'm ready, willing, but unable? I know that God is able, even if my body is not. If He wants a baby in my womb, I know that He'll put one there.
Still, I have this nagging feeling that I can't, that I won't be able to. I won't go into the details of my lady business, but let's just say I have issues. This is something that I have not wanted to face. No doctor has ever told me that I will not be able to have children, or even given me a diagnosis. One doctor told me that she suspected I had PCOS, but later testings were not indicative of that. I'm going to the doctor on May 12. Hopefully this will begin a process of getting some answers.
We appreciate your prayers as we walk through this time of uncertainty.
i have the same nagging feeling about not being able to have kids. for no good reason, though. maybe it's because my grandmother thinks i'm going to die if i wait until after i'm 30 to have kids. we want to have kids, but we're not ready. i'm hoping that "baby fever" will hit me one day and i'll know it's time. that's something i'm praying about.
Babies, babies, babies...there's another one!
You will be great parents when it happens. You look so natural holding Simon. I know that God is going to bless you with children, even if they don't begin in your womb. I am also delighted to know that Kyle is so good with little kids. I have watched him with Hannah & Noah and I am amazed at his patience. Many men do not have that much time or patience for their own children.
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