
Small group gets large

All summer I've been attending a small group Bible study with some people from our new church, August Gate.  The thing is, the small group has turned into a pretty large group.


Last night we had a potluck to celebrate what God has done in our summer study, Vintage Jesus.  It was also a night to talk about what comes next for our group.


We're splitting. We're done-zo.  Over.


Okay, not really.  We're just forming a new group in a new neighborhood, the fourth group for AG.  Our good friends Josh and Kim will be leading.  Kyle and I are going to be part of the new group.  It is exciting to see how God is growing this church which has not yet existed for one year.


I will definitely miss seeing everyone, but I am excited to see what will happen with our new group.  God has already blessed us so much through studying his word with these people!


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