I feel as though I have a slightly new perspective on travel. Here's a few specific things I have noticed now that I've cycled to work (a whole two times).
1. Hills- on the way to work, the slow climb along US 51 is a bit tiring. On the way home, I can coast. The hill at Lewis and Grand is the worst. I have to climb it both ways.
2. Roadkill- Ugh, you would not believe how many dead and bloody things I encounter. It's kinda gross, but it doesn't bother me that much except for the...
3. Odors- Passing a dumpster, a smelly vehicle, or the above mentioned roadkill can make my stomach turn. I've got a super sniffer, and there are a lot of nasty things to sniff.
4. Speeding cars- This town is pretty good about moving over for cyclists, but I do get a little nervous when someone seems to be in a big hurry.
5. Litter- You also wouldn't believe the amount of garbage and broken glass I peddle through. Actually, you probably would if you knew my route. It's right through the "heart" of campus. I pass all the most popular bars, party housing, and a liquor store.
Here are some things I appreciate about my bicycle-
1. Shock absorbing seat- the extra cush for my tush is great. It still takes some adjustment (the bike shop calls this getting "butt calluses"), but it hasn't been too bad.
2. Rear Rack and...
3. Expandable Trunk bag- A necessity for commuters. It's too hot and heavy to add weight to my back. So far, I have carried groceries, extra clothes, books, my lock (very important), keys, wallet, phone, etc. in this great bag.
4. My sweet helmet- Not really part of my bike, but they go hand in hand. As a kid I hated wearing my helmet (thanks, Mom). They weren't very good at making them back then. They were hot and heavy and very nerdy-looking. Now they're light, airy, and (I think) sleek.
Mostly, I love the self-righteous feeling I get by riding my bike. I get to stick my nose up at all the people who are wasting their money on gas and polluting our planet. I arrive to work feeling invigorated. I smile and pat myself on the back for being such a fine human being.
Seriously, though, the cycling is great. I highly recommend it.
Great job on the biking! I wish i could do that here, but unfortunately I am way to far from Campus. However, Matt and I were the occasional bikers down in Carbondale and I can relate to all of the whoas, especially the road kill and that darn hill!
But just think by the end of the summer your legs will be super strong!!:)
Mostly, I love the self-righteous feeling I get by riding my bike. I get to stick my nose up at all the people who are wasting their money on gas and polluting our planet. I arrive to work feeling invigorated. I smile and pat myself on the back for being such a fine human being.
Precisely why I have yet to become a bike commuter.
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