
The countdown is on!

After a tearful (on both our parts) morning yesterday, we made a very quick decision to get away this weekend. We made a few phone calls, and voilà! We have a night away.
Hooray! Kyle and I are going to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. There are no home games, and he should get off work around 2:00 on Saturday. From there, we'll head up to Santa Claus for the night, and spend all day Sunday at the park. I am so thrilled. We desperately need a night away together, just the two of us.
I can feel the open road, see the warm and sunny skies, and feel all the stresses of the last few months drifting away. Thanks for your prayers. God really opened this door and I am praising Him for it!


Jim said...

time away is great. I didn't want to come home from Seattle.

Chase Abner said...

Who is the red haired girl in the pic?

Jim said...

BTW Holiday World is really fun. They used to have free refills on all soft drinks!