We made about six trips out to the dumpster this weekend after doing some heavy duty Spring cleaning. While we were out, we heard the distinct sounds of a Barred Owl. I would love to see it some time because I think owls are incredible. Unfortunately, we only ever hear owls at night. I think that sometimes we also hear a Spotted Owl, but their voices are so similar, I have a hard time making the distinction. Listening carefully to the rhythm is the only way I know we've definitely heard a Barred Owl.
This afternoon I looked out the window to see this little turtle waddling across our driveway. He got scared when I walked up to take the picture. Anyone know
Our cleaning was wonderful this weekend. Kyle and I worked worked hard and were able to get rid of so much stuff! I cannot even believe how many things we've been holding on to for no reason. We cleared up so much space. We each have our own closets, but I think that we could fit it all into one now if we had to do it. It's such a relief to be able to close those doors with ease. In a place as small as ours, any little bit of extra space is a big deal.
1 comment:
That's a nifty picture of that owl...too bad we didn't take it!
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