
What does abortion have to do with racism?

HT: Carolyn McCulley
John Piper has a provocative post today on the Desiring God blog about abortion, racism, and slavery. Here is an excerpt from "Stigma is a Good Thing for Bad Acts:"
So let’s be wise in showing the way abortion is closer to racism and slavery than people see.
The Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case of 1857 held that black slaves were property without rights as persons, yet today we view that as unthinkable. So the Supreme Court in the case of Roe v. Wade (1973) held that the unborn did not have rights as persons, yet we should hope and work that the day may come when that too is viewed as unthinkable.
So here’s one connection for starters:
Racism might—and often did—result in the killing of innocent humans. In our history, it often did. But there is no “might” about abortion. It always results in the killing of innocent humans.
Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 black people were lynched in America. Today, more black babies are killed by white abortionists every three days than all who were lynched in those years.
There is a lot of history to this. To understand the roots of racism and abortion, you must understand Margaret Sanger's early work in this area. A comprehensive summary can be found in "The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black Americans." Further information can be found on the LEARN site.|

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