I worked downtown yesterday. If you don't know, working downtown is a big deal. That branch is where all the big shots are who can make you or break you. They made me. They called my supervisor. They want me to come back and work with them for the rest of the summer. It was awesome. I'm not sure what will happen. My supervisor doesn't want to part with me on the teller line. I will probably be half and half- "Teller/ Personal Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Human Resources." Doesn't that sound important? Anyway, I feel very blessed to get this opportunity. It's like a mini-intership.

Tomorrow morning, Kyle and I are going to check out a reception site. I can't wait!
Well, I just can't resist these things... They're fun, and I'm bored.
What is your...
Name: Chelsea
Birthday: Feb 8
Age: 20
Height: 5'3''
Shoe Size: 7ish
Hair Color: brownish
Hair Style: depends on the day. it's naturally very straight.
City of Birth: Springfield, IL
School: University of Illinois
Job: Random things at a bank at home, desk clerk at school
Bedtime: After Oprah is over and I talk to Kyle, it's usually between 11:30pm-12am
Which one...
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate! (You can't tell but I just said that with my favorite Spanish accent.
Pie or Cake: Brownies
Coke or Diet Coke: Diet Coke
Fluffy Pillow or Flat Pillow: 12 Fluffy pillows!
Apple or PC: If I had the cash, I'd probably spring for the Apple iBook, but my little PC laptop works just fine for now.
Popcorn or Candy at the movies: M&M's in my popcorn. Nice combo of sweet and salty. Thanks, Emma!
Christmas or Your Birthday: Christmas
Flip-flops or Sneakers: Flip Flops
December or July: July
Pop or Punk: Both
Elevators or Escalators: Escalators... they're more exotic!
Movies at Home or in the Theater: Depends on my mood and how much money I have at the time.
English or Math: English
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: 3 parts Cocoa, 1 part Coffee... my own little latte.
If you HAD to choose...
The flu or a cold: Cold. Who in the world chooses flu?
Piercings all over your face or tattoos all over your body: I guess tatoos. You can hide those.
Failing a class or getting suspended: Getting suspended.
Having to sit in a tub of spiders or having to eat a bowl of spiders: If they're dead, I'd rather eat them. If not, then... I guess I'd still rather eat them.
Eating a grey super-moldy peach or drinking a glass of very spoiled milk: I'll take the peach.
Have you ever...
Been stood up: Yes.
Had your wisdom teeth removed: Yes, and I looked like a chipmunk for a week!
Played in a band: Several
Seen a UFO: An Unidentified Fruitcake Operator? Yes, sir!
Pulled an all-nighter: Yes.
Been drunk: In another lifetime
Been high: In an even more distant lifetime...
Been given a speeding ticket: Once
Eaten octopus or squid: Yes, they were greasy.
Seen a Broadway show: I was SO CLOSE! I was on Broadway! :(
Gone surfing: No, I'm afraid of deep water...
Gone snowboarding: No
Kissed someone on a first date: Yes
Been in a castle: Does Jumer's count?
Cross-dressed: Hehehe
Been in a car accident: Yes
Had an eating disorder: WAY too personal!
How many...
Piercings do you have: Just my ears.
Tattoos do you have: Ew. Tatoos are trashy!
Pets do you have: None

Siblings do you have: Four step siblings, and two future brothers in law.
Rings are you wearing: 2
People have you dated: Don't make me answer that.
What is your favorite...
Color: Red is fun, black is slimming.
Cereal: Cheerios!
Pajamas: The Illini shorts I stole from Kyle and a t-shirt.
Disney cartoon movie: Beauty and the Beast
Disneyland ride: It's a Small World... fun and creepy at the same time!
Soda: IBC Rootbeer or rootbeer from Lambert's
Video game system: I HATE videogames!
Way to spend a Saturday: Anything with Kyle.
Class: I don't really like class. I suppose Theater 199 was fun... for a class.
Ice Cream Flavor: Ben and Jerry's "The Last Straw" or "Half Baked"
What if...
...you could go on a vacation anywhere, where would it be: A long tour of Europe or back to NYC!
you won the lottery, what would you buy : The Cardinals, so Kyle could work have his dream job.
you could change your eye color, what color: I'd take Kyle's color, though it does not have a name.
you could magically be somewhere else right now, where: Shampoo-Banana!
...you could magically make anybody appear next to you right now, who: Do I really need to answer that?
you could be a superstar at one sport, which one: I guess volleyball, maybe swimming.
About your personality...
Are you shy or outgoing: I'm so bashful! hahahahahahahaha
Do you laugh a lot: Hahahahahahahaha
Do you get easily annoyed: Yes, sometimes
Do you complain a lot: I try not to.
Do you have a few close friends or lots or casual friends: Quite a few close friends (I have SIX bridesmaids if that tells you anything!) and many casual ones.
Are you romantic: Very
Do you cry over people a lot: Not really, I usually cry out of frustration.
Do you cry in movies: Sometimes
Do you raise your hand in class a lot: Not really.
Do you enjoy alone time: At home, YES! At school, I'd rather be in the company of my friends.
Do you enjoy loud crowded parties: You betcha.
Do you prefer double dates or just you and your date: Just Kyle and I
In the last week, have you:
Eaten pizza: Yes
Eaten sushi: Never again!
Made out: Nope.
Thrown up: Nope.
Gone hot tubbing: Nope.
Gone shopping for clothes:

Taken a big test: No! Praise God!
Gone to a doctor: Nope.
Seen a movie: Yes.
Random questions...
What were you last Halloween: I made my own crocidile costume and Kyle was the Crocodile Hunter
What are you doing this weekend: Going to Southern IL.

What is your screen name: chelsea2885
What was the last thing you ate: A York Peppermint Patty
Did you ever play with Barbies or Ninja Turtles: I didn't play. I accessorized.
Can you drive better than everyone else on the road: Most of the time.
Do you like to watch really scary movies: Once in a while.
How do you typically spend the 4th of July: At BJ's. Chillin with my old school homies.
Who did you/would have if you could, vote for: Bush or Kerry: FOUR MORE YEARS!
Do you have braces? Nope.
How old were you/are you/do you want to be, when you get married? 21 sounds good.
What are summers for? Relaxation.
How do you feel about school? It would be great without all those classes!
How tan are you? Let's just say I wear the lightest foundation Mary Kay offers!
Do you like thrill rides: Who doesn't?
If your birthday was next week, what would you ask for? A personal trainer
Do you like candles? Mucho!
Do you like really sour candy? Not really.
Which is better, a snowstorm or a thunderstorm? Thunderstorm
If you could be an animal for a day, what would it be? An Eagle
Did you like this Survey? Sure. I like surveys in general.