Blupity Blurp
Break was great. I don't want to write about it though, so talk to me about it.
Well, well... not much today. It's so windy! And Sunny. Windy and sunny. I love carmel corn and easy mac. Have a good day.
![]() | You scored as Sleeping Beauty. Your alter ego is Princess Aurora, a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty! You are beautiful and enchanting, and as sweet as ever.
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with QuizFarm.com |
Well... THAT was fun!
Yesterday was great. I got to touch base with an old friend from high school who goes to Iowa. We had a great conversation. Unlike a lot of people, I really miss my high school friends. They were the best. Of course, like everyone, there are some people I don't really care about seeing again, but all my friends were wonderful. I can't even think of a more fun group of people. No offense, college buddies...
This one goes out to Landon, Jill, Ariannah, Travis, Trevor, Dusty, Josh, Mottershaw, Emma, Jamie, Rachel, Zuzu, Nate, Valerie, Catherine, and Jenxi Cat. Cheers to the way things used to be! I miss you all!
Good, good dream
So she puts the blindfold on me, and tells me that she's brought a new dress from Kyle for me to wear. So, without seeing it, I slip it on and she leads me out to the car. She helps me in and gets in herself. I'm still blindfolded.
Finally, we get to our destination. Ashley helps me out of the car and removes my blindfold. We're standing outside in a park at dusk. I look down and I'm wearing a wedding dress! The car I just got out of was a limo! I look up again and there a very long white carpet runner. At the end of the carpet is Kyle, in a tuxedo, walking towards me with a big yellow scroll in hand. I'm shaking. He walks up to me, opens the scroll, and it reads, "Chelsea Ann Johnson, today is your wedding day. Please join the rest of your wedding party down the hill."
I'm speechless. So we drop the scroll and begin walking down the hill. We pause as we see a few other members of the wedding party running into position. They were apparently running late (Kent, Keith, Jason and Amanda :)
Once everyone is there, I begin looking around again. It is almost dark at this point so the park is lit with tons of candles. It's breathtaking. My bridesmaids are dressed in beautiful aqua blue dresses, and all Kyle's groomsmen in their tuxedos. Only our closest loved ones are there- our parents and grandparents, and our best friends. No huge wedding, no worry over all the extended family and the not-so-close friends. It was perfect.
As Kyle and I walk towards the altar, Jim is standing there ready to marry us. The ceremony goes off without a hitch. Everyone is so happy and excited. I am still in shock, but very happy.
Then I was thinking, "Where are we going to live? I'm supposed to live with Marsha and Lynn next year! How am I going to get out of my lease? We have to re-file for FASFA so we can get more financial aid!" There were a million thoughts and worries beginning to flood my mind.
But then I heard God's voice so clearly saying, "Chelsea, this is My will. The two of you were joined together WITH ME! I'll take care of My sheep."
I still didn't know what was going to happen, but I was completely fine. Kyle and I were married, which was my heart's greatest desire. We went on to a small reception with some homemade food and a little dancing. It was a great time.
What a great dream. It seemed so real that I was surprised, and disappointed, to wake up in my own bed this morning, unmarried.
I got to thinking about it a little more and I realized what a great picture of Christ's return it painted. Here I was, unsuspecting, not knowing that my groom was coming (1Th 5:2 For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.) He sent someone to help me, to prepare me for our wedding (Luk 12:40 You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.") And then he was there, ready to take my hand and join with me in Holy matrimony. He had already prepared everything for me. He took care of all the plans (Joh 14:2-3 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.) I didn't have to worry about anything! How cool is that?!
I leave you with this Awesomeness-
Rev 19:7 Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready!
Home free
Aaahhh... that's my sigh of relief. I am now home-free until Spring Break! I'm so thankful. The last couple days have been so stressfull! I had to give a speech today that didn't go so well. The projector didn't work for my visual aid, so I got all fumbled and flustered. Oh well. There's nothing I can do now.
Now I can just focus on New York! Awesome.
I love music. Really. All kinds. I'll listen to almost anything once. The only kind I've found that I don't like are the metal bands that scream a lot. I can't handle it. Other than that, I love it. I could easily spend lots of money on buying music if I had a more dispensable income. Unfortunately, my music purchases are limited these days. Oh, well. Like my good friend Joanna always says, "Live like no others now, so you can live like no others later." Basically, don't spend all your money!
Well, that's all for now. I'm enjoying my Hawaiian music and smiling.
Girls and Jealousy
Ashley, Amanda, and I are having a slumber party tonight. I'm so excited. I need girls night. We all do.
We've had this show on in my room about celebrities and their bodies and how they keep in shape. It's crazy. Most of them work out for at least two hours every day. Then you have those few gorgeous people who don't have to work out, and who eat what they want. It's tough not to feel jealousy towards those people.
Envy is something I really struggle with. I'm not really jealous of their bodies, but of their discipline to stay fit. I don't forget the many blessings God has poured out on me that I don't deserve. I just know there's a better version of me in here somewhere.
That's all for now, folks... off to girl's night I go!
Bad Dreams
I have bad dreams a lot. I'm not sure why. For a while they were getting better (I read something about keeping it warmer in your room can help prevent bad dreams) but I had another one last night. I was fighting vampires with Morgan Freeman. Weird, I know. It was pretty intense. What's even more strange is that I can wake up from the dream (gasping and trying to remember where I am) fall back asleep, and pick up the dream right where I left off. How much of our dreams are meaningful to our feelings, and how much of them are random and meaningless? I mean, sometimes my dreams are so frightening that I don't want to go to sleep! I know better than to be truly afraid, it's just the idea of being exposed to all the violent and traumatic images and experiences. Even Kyle thinks my dreams are odd.
Anyway, I've gotta get going. Have a good day.
Rough go of it
I miss my family. I haven't seen any of them in over a month. I haven't talked to my dad in that long. He didn't even call on my birthday. That kinda hurt. No, that really hurts. Yes, I could call him too... I know. It just seems like I'm always the one that calls him.
Things are feeling pretty messed up here right now (for reasons even bigger than my dad). I don't know what else to say... I guess I just needed an outlet to vent my feelings.
"When I call on Jesus,
All things are possible.
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar.
When I call on Jesus,
Mountains are gonna fall.
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call.
Weary brother,
Broken daughter,
Widowed lover,
You're not alone.
If you're tired and scared of the madness around you,
If you can't find the strength to carry on,
Call Him in the mornin'
In the afternoon time
Late in the evenin'
He'll be there.
When your heart is broken,
And you feel discouraged
You can just remember that He said
He'll be there."
Nicole C. Mullen
Blurpy Blurb
I had a pretty rigorous work out today. I ran for 30 min on the treadmill then did another 10 min on the eliptical machine. I'm glad I did it. It's tough to make myself do it though. I know I need to work out every day. Getting myself to the treadmill is 75% of the battle. I want to be healthy, moreover, I want to be in shape for the wedding!
Well, I don't have much to say today... I don't like days like that.
Tests and Trips
Kyle and I are going to visit his family this weekend. I am SO excited. First, I just can't wait to be out of Chambana for a while. I really love Southern Illinois. It's beautiful and very different for me. Second, I haven't seen his fam in forever! They're great. They always make me feel like part of the family.
I am sleepy and I have major hat hair. That's pretty random. Have a good weekend.
Oh yeah, if you're "celebrating" unofficial St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, be smart and be safe.
Word Vomit
Now... there are two kinds of word vomit. One is when you say something one way, but meant it another... but the worst is when you just flat out say something mean or harsh, and you're not really sure why.
Why do we experience this? The Bible says that "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." But what happens when you say something that really ISN'T in your heart?
It's a strange sensation, this vomiting. I hope it stops soon.