Last Curse Word Uttered: Is "pissed" a cuss word?
Last Compliment: "You look nice today!"
Last Big Car Ride: 3 1/2 hours to Louisville
Last Kiss: This afternoon
Last Good Cry: I don't know...
Last Movie Seen: "Shall We Dance?"
Last Phone Call: Kyle
Last Shoes Worn: Brown, Vintage Style Sketchers
Last CD Played: Jamiroquoi's "Synkronized"
Last Disappointment: ?
I AM: bored.
I WANT: to take a nap.
I HAVE: to go eat dinner.
I WISH: I could control time.
I MISS: volleyball.
I FEAR: drowning.
I SEARCH FOR: my keys constantly.
I WONDER: what its like in heaven.
I REGRET: nothing.
I LOVE: Kyle.
I ALWAYS: stick my foot in my mouth.
I AM NOT: funny.
I DANCE: when I'm alone in my room.
I SING: everywhere.
I CRY: less than I used to.
I LOSE: everything else.
I CONFUSE: myself.
I SHOULD: not finish this thing...
Three things you are often complimented for: smiling, good hugs, good hair.
You get embarrassed when you: Fart in front of others.
What upsets you?: Being late.
Do you keep a diary?: Not really, just Xanga and a book with sermon notes.
Do you like to cook?: Yes
Do you have a secret you have not shared with anyone?: Not that I can think of
Do you bite your fingernails?: Only if it's already broken and falling off.
Do you believe in love: Absolutely.
Do you have a(any) crush(es): Does a fiance count?
Do you want to get married?: Duh!
Do you get along with your parents?: Get along, yes, most of the time... always agree with, no.
SIGN: Aquarius... but I don't believe in that stuff.
BIRTHDAY: February 8, 1985
BORN: Springfield, Illinois
NUMBER: 8 and 12
DAY: Saturday
MONTH: Febraury
SONG: Can't pick just one... something by Eisley...
FOOD: Dumplin's
SEASON: hmmm... Spring or summer...
BAND: Eisley
DRINK: Ummm... tea, Cherry 7up, Lambert's Rootbeer
SUBJECT: Ugh... school.
BOOK: Bible
SHOW: Lost
CUDDLE OR MAKE OUT?: I can't answer that!
HIPPIES OR SKATERS: umm... neither.
SPEND OR SAVE: save now, spend later.
BLACK OR WHITE: depends... black is slimming...
GONE TO THE MOVIES?: No, but I rented one.
First crush: Hunter Whalen
First boyfriend/girlfriend you cried over: Nathan Thompson... fifth grade...
First fight: ummm... probably Erin Fishel over whether we should play with Barbies or play on the swing set...
First best friend: Erin Fishel
First concert: MC Hammer!
Back from Lou-uh-vul
God is AWESOME! Oh man, what a wonderful weekend of growing with the Lord in worship, fellowship, prayer, and learning. Learning is fun when you love what you're learning, and this weekend was learning all about Christ and His Word. You know that song that was a hit earlier this year... I don't know who sings it, but it said something like, "...If I knew all about just one thing, wouldn't that be something?" Wow. How true is that? Well, if there's one thing I want to know ALL ABOUT, it's God.
I have another praise to share... As many of you know, I'm going to Romania this summer on a mission trip. My family has mostly been against it because of the cost. For ten days, it's going to cost about $2500. That's a lot of money! However, I have been very sure that I am supposed to go. Anyway, this week is apparently "Missions Week" for my grandparents' church at home. They've had all these missionaries coming in talking about the importance of missions, and what is being accomplished for the Kingdom of God. Until this, they knew little about missionaries. WOW! What a turn-around for my grandparents! When I talked to them last night, they were so excited for my trip! My grandma said she understood now why I was going, and she admitted that just a few days ago, she was against it. Now if only I could get my mom on board with them! Anyway, I had asked some of you for prayer in this matter. Well, your prayers and mine have been answered by The Almighty! Hallelujah!
I have another praise to share... As many of you know, I'm going to Romania this summer on a mission trip. My family has mostly been against it because of the cost. For ten days, it's going to cost about $2500. That's a lot of money! However, I have been very sure that I am supposed to go. Anyway, this week is apparently "Missions Week" for my grandparents' church at home. They've had all these missionaries coming in talking about the importance of missions, and what is being accomplished for the Kingdom of God. Until this, they knew little about missionaries. WOW! What a turn-around for my grandparents! When I talked to them last night, they were so excited for my trip! My grandma said she understood now why I was going, and she admitted that just a few days ago, she was against it. Now if only I could get my mom on board with them! Anyway, I had asked some of you for prayer in this matter. Well, your prayers and mine have been answered by The Almighty! Hallelujah!
Headed to Lou-uh-vul
"I'm gonna write a song about a liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal; they're bred for their skills in magic."
WOW! I didn't realize how many people READ my blog! This is crazy. There was actually a short discussion tonight after BASIC about MY blog! Weird. Awesome. I love it, really.
Leaving town in the morning for Louisville. It looks like I'm going to be the only girl in the car with... like... 9 guys! We'll see how that goes. I'm pretty psyched.
I need to go do laundry now because it occurred to me that I need clean clothes to wear in Louisville. I mean, I'm not so concerned about wearing CLEAN clothes when I'm here... my roommates have just accepted the fact that I stink. But now I have to room with people I don't know. I guess I should make a good impression.
Be back Saturday night, folks... (people who really read this!)
Have a good weekend!
WOW! I didn't realize how many people READ my blog! This is crazy. There was actually a short discussion tonight after BASIC about MY blog! Weird. Awesome. I love it, really.
Leaving town in the morning for Louisville. It looks like I'm going to be the only girl in the car with... like... 9 guys! We'll see how that goes. I'm pretty psyched.
I need to go do laundry now because it occurred to me that I need clean clothes to wear in Louisville. I mean, I'm not so concerned about wearing CLEAN clothes when I'm here... my roommates have just accepted the fact that I stink. But now I have to room with people I don't know. I guess I should make a good impression.

Be back Saturday night, folks... (people who really read this!)
Have a good weekend!
What a klutz!
Today was interesting... I'm such a klutz. On the way downstairs after Bible study, I fell! I somehow lost my footing, slipped, got my elbow twisted up in the railing, slipped down seven or eight stairs, and bruised by back. After it happened, the girls from my study were all laughing... I was somewhere between laughter and tears.
I watched Napoleon Dynamite tonight. It was awesome, GOSH!
I am super excited about BASIC's trip to Louisville, KY this weekend! It's gonna be awesome!
Man, I keep having less and less to say...
Oh yeah, the teacher in my mass comm. class lets us bring music in to play during the break. The class is an hour and a half long, so in the middle, we take a break for a couple minutes. Today I brought in Eisley. I'm not sure what the class thought, it is too big to ask everyone. Anyway, the Professor loved it. He said he was going to check it out. I knew he was a smart man. Thanks to everyone who has heeded my advice and given them a listen.
I watched Napoleon Dynamite tonight. It was awesome, GOSH!
I am super excited about BASIC's trip to Louisville, KY this weekend! It's gonna be awesome!
Man, I keep having less and less to say...
Oh yeah, the teacher in my mass comm. class lets us bring music in to play during the break. The class is an hour and a half long, so in the middle, we take a break for a couple minutes. Today I brought in Eisley. I'm not sure what the class thought, it is too big to ask everyone. Anyway, the Professor loved it. He said he was going to check it out. I knew he was a smart man. Thanks to everyone who has heeded my advice and given them a listen.
Brightly Wound
Another year older. Another birthday gone by. It feels good to not be a teenager any more. However, I have this nagging voice that keeps saying, "You're two-thirds of the way to thirty." Crazy.
Eisley's new album came out today. If you've been reading my blog for very long, you've seen the pop up window with the promotion on it. Seriously, if you've never listened to their music, you should really give it a try. If nothing else, so you can talk to me about it. You can tell me you love it or hate it. Whatever. Just tell me that you tried it out. If you don't like it, though, there might be something wrong with you.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who made my birthday a great one! I love you all!
Eisley's new album came out today. If you've been reading my blog for very long, you've seen the pop up window with the promotion on it. Seriously, if you've never listened to their music, you should really give it a try. If nothing else, so you can talk to me about it. You can tell me you love it or hate it. Whatever. Just tell me that you tried it out. If you don't like it, though, there might be something wrong with you.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who made my birthday a great one! I love you all!
Here I am... writing again...
I gave a speech today. It went pretty well. However, I'm apparently really bad at reading and following directions. Oh well... it was only the first one.
I have something new I'm into this week. I really want to write songs. Maybe I should take some guitar lessons this summer. I just want to sing back up vocals in Eisley. Do you think they'd let me do that? Probably not. They have enough female singers. I'll just start my own band I guess. Maybe my children will be brilliant musicians and I can vicariously live through them someday! Hahaha...
I'm getting lots of ideas for the wedding. I think we decided we want to have a night wedding. It just sounds cool... and then we don't have to worry about serving our guests over-priced, crappy food.
I'll be twenty tomorrow. That's crazy. I feel old.
I gave a speech today. It went pretty well. However, I'm apparently really bad at reading and following directions. Oh well... it was only the first one.
I have something new I'm into this week. I really want to write songs. Maybe I should take some guitar lessons this summer. I just want to sing back up vocals in Eisley. Do you think they'd let me do that? Probably not. They have enough female singers. I'll just start my own band I guess. Maybe my children will be brilliant musicians and I can vicariously live through them someday! Hahaha...
I'm getting lots of ideas for the wedding. I think we decided we want to have a night wedding. It just sounds cool... and then we don't have to worry about serving our guests over-priced, crappy food.
I'll be twenty tomorrow. That's crazy. I feel old.
Perspiration Inspiration
Wow. I got inspired today. I have a class at the Armory. Every time, I walk up to the third floor and start down the long hallway toward my classroom. I always peer through the windows that look out on the indoor track. Most days, there are member of the track team in there working out in some form (situps, pushups, sprints, etc.) Today there were quite a few members of the womens team in there. I had some extra time and as I was walking by the first window, one of the girls caught my eye. She was running in the outermost lane of the track. She was really bookin' it. I could hear and see her coach standing on the side cheering her on and shouting out her time after each lap. She kept smiling, and more importantly, kept running. This girl was beyond in-shape. She was amazing. After she finished she took a few steps and started stretching. This amazing run she had just completed didn't seem to phase her.
I got this image of myself running with nothing flabby or jiggling around; toned, and really enjoying my work out. The only problem is, I hate running. I need another form of workout. I want to be toned and in-shape. That feeling of "Man, I am healthy!" I watch Alias on Wednesdays. Jennifer Garner gives me that same feeling. She really kicks butt. Maybe I'll take up kickboxing or something. We'll see. What I guess I want to say is, I have the desire to be fit, but now I don't know what to do about it. More and more I realize how important it is to be fit. So begins my search for fitness...
I got this image of myself running with nothing flabby or jiggling around; toned, and really enjoying my work out. The only problem is, I hate running. I need another form of workout. I want to be toned and in-shape. That feeling of "Man, I am healthy!" I watch Alias on Wednesdays. Jennifer Garner gives me that same feeling. She really kicks butt. Maybe I'll take up kickboxing or something. We'll see. What I guess I want to say is, I have the desire to be fit, but now I don't know what to do about it. More and more I realize how important it is to be fit. So begins my search for fitness...
Great day today. I really enjoyed Bible study tonight. I also really enjoyed my classes today, but I always do on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Nothing too deep or philosophical to ponder tonight. I have to get to work on a speech for next week... and I need some more quality time with The Contrabajo... so off I go...
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