In another life, another place and time, if I didn't have to think about any responsibilities, I think I would have been an Art History major. I took a class in it, and it was my favorite class of all time. I would have learned about world cultures, drank a lot of wine, sponged off my parents, traveled the world, lived in England, been an eternal adolescent, etc.
I love what I do now, but I think I could have been fairly happy doing many other things as well. Most likely unemployed, but still satisfied.
What would you do?
I think about this from time to time. It's kinda like "bread truck" Monday for Mark Driscoll.
I would study business and/or cooking and open a restaurant. Or I would study music.
I always think about this... I think I would have studied to be a home-ec teacher. OR I would have taken more graphic design/art classes with a side of business. Maybe fashion design!? haha
easy: interior design. i guess technically it's not too late . . .can't you get one of those degrees online now or something???!!!
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