If on the last day before Thanksgiving break, in a class in which you have secured a solid 'A' and do not have to take the final, you find yourself extremely bored and questioning why you bothered to show up, do not, I repeat DO NOT pull out your iPhone and start reading from
cakewrecks.com. Chances are you will find yourself laughing so hard that you will not be able to hold it in. This, in turn, will draw a reasonable amount of attention to the fact that you are not listening to your instructor drone on about the minute workings of the inner ear, or whatever subject you are studying.
This, of course, is purely a hypothetical warning. Being the excellent student I am, I would never do such a thing. Just trust me on this one.
I think this one is my current favorite.
Great choice, Alisha! I think my favorite kind of wreck is when they write out what was supposed to be a description of the decorations.
Nor would I crack up at my desk at work while I am supposed to be working and I would NEVER send the link to my coworkers just so I can hear them snicker at their desks... no not me...
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