Works-for-Me Wednesday is the brainchild of Rocks in My Dryer and a great spot to get ideas from other brilliant women.

It's more sanitary than the sink and saves lots of water. My cute little red tub is easy to clean and uses 1/2 the water a dishwasher would use, and 1/4 of the water hand washing with an open sink would use. It stores easily right under the sink. You can disinfect it quickly. No scrubbing required. If it gets bad, just toss it out and get a new one. They're only a few dollars. Not to mention that studies like this make me want to avoid contact with the sink at all costs.
I must admit, however, in all my self-righteousness about the dishpan, I would probably ditch it if I had a dishwasher. I'll praise God for forcing me to be a better steward of the blessing of clean water.
ha! i love rocks in my dryer, as well as works for me wednesdays! i also LOVE LOVE LOVE stealing other ladies' menu plans from menu plan monday over at orgjunkie.com. perhaps you know of this already. maybe we check the same blog circuit!
Great idea!! TFS
Good idea!
I have two blog post this Wednesday.
1. Photos of our typical morning on my personal blog at http://heartofwisdom.com/heartathome and
2. an explanation of changes we are making at my homeschool blog
Come and see me!
cudos on saving water with the dishpan, i might have to try that. and thanks for the "rocks in my dryer" site. i'm too afraid to read the studies about the sink, so i'll stay blissfully ignorant, but thanks for that info, too.
one comment, though. while you're saving so much water, the theory that you can "just toss it out and get a new one" when it gets bad, doesn't seem to go with your environmentally friendly mindset. is there another way?
Keli- I do not know that blog. I am going to check it out for sure.
Amanda- You are right! In fact, I never really thought about that contradiction. All I really know for sure is that they don't wear out quickly if you keep them clean. The only reason I would ever throw it out would be for sanitation purposes. I don't foresee one actually "wearing out."
I feel slightly weird being the only guy to comment, but how exactly does the dishpan save water or reduce unsanitary circumstances?
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