This is scrapbooking week on Martha Stewart. When I came home for lunch, I tuned in. It makes me wish I had the time (and the money) to give to such a hobby! I need another Judy, who has every scrapbook tool known to woman. All I ever had to bring was paper and pictures. She has everything else! Judy- if we make a trip to Champaign this fall, I'm bringing the book I started a your house 3 years ago!
3 years ago, I did an oil painting for Kyle for Christmas. He loves Lewis Carrol's novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass, and other Carroll Nonsense Literature (hence, his blog theme, which he never uses anymore). The painting was a scene from Alice. It was my first oil painting. It made me want to do more, but it is such an expensive hobby!

I also have an interest in taking great pictures. I have so many friends who are great photographers. I would love to have a nice camera. Again, so expensive!
Blogging is probably my favorite thing to do just for fun. I almost always make time for "Across the Brandywine!" You all make it great.