
VBS Week

Let me just say, I'm not a huge fan of Vacation Bible School. I think Churches could put their energy and money (so much money...) towards much more important things. That being said, I am really enjoying VBS this year. I am in charge of the crafts for the 1st-6th graders. While my job isn't that important, I get to listen and watch as they learn truths about God, memorize Bible verses, and grow in their faith. The teachers are doing an awesome job, and (I think) the kids actually like to do the little crafts I created.


B. Kyle said...

You're so crafty...haha, get it? CRAFTy? Yeah?

Jim said...

I'm curious what more important things could churches put their energy and money into other than VBS? I'm not a big fan of VBS, but that is because I don't like to be around little children. I agree VBS may have its problems, but it is still communicating the Gospel in a cultural context to a people group. And Jesus did say, "do not prevent the children from coming to me." He also used the simple faith of a child as the example of faith we all must have when we come to Him.