
Wall Ball

Amidst the many, many things we did this weekend, Kyle and I went to the Wall Ball.  It was a fundraiser where dozens of local artists (and hundreds of onlookers) gathered and each created some form of artwork during the event.  They held a silent auction and donated the proceeds at the end of the night.  They had live DJs spinning, a huge bubble bus outside the building, drinks and appetizers, and more colorful people than there were pieces of art.  It was a pretty cool event and we really wished we could bid on some of the pieces.

One of my favorite parts of the event was this little photo booth where you could put on crazy props and make stupid faces and they take your picture and make you laugh.  If I had known about something like this when we got married, we totally would've had this at our wedding!

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In this picture, you can totally see us in the background.  It was at about that moment that I was nudging Kyle saying, "Look! I want to do that!"  It was free, so he obliged.

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And yes, those are my bare legs, not white tights, in case you were wondering.  What can I say?  I have a husband who's into skin so white it glows.

1 comment:

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I've never been to the Wall Ball but always hear good things. And those are great props for the photo booth!