Until I figure that out, I'll continue to talk about my favorite things, Martha Stewart style.

I must say, the pork chop seasoning bags have been the biggest dinner hit in weeks. The pork chops were so wonderfully tender. It had a very short prep time, about 5 minutes, and took only 25 minutes to cook. Thanks to my step-mom for that idea!
For those of you watching Heroes, what did you think of last week's episode, eh?
The pork chops sound good. And Heroes finally picked up speed. I honestly haven't been a big fan of Season 2. If I hadn't so enjoyed the first season, I would've abandoned the show after about the 4th episode this season.
Things are coming together in this Heroes plot, and that excites me!
I can't afford Redken, I subscribe to Real Simple, I love pork chops but rarely make them, and I've honestly never seen Heroes.
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