This year I have a total of 14 (eek!) containers of multiple shapes and sizes, full of as many different kinds of flowers as I could manage. I hung three large planters over the side of our deck. The flowers have been struggling a bit due to the severe heat we were having, but this week's cooler temperatures have allowed them to green right up. And yes, I have a garden gnome. A garden needs whimsy, okay? A garden needs joy and laughter. A garden does not need stupid lawn ornaments, but a garden does need one small gnome named Mungo Boffin of Needlehole.

I also dug up some over-grown hostas along the side of our building to insert some color in the shade. No one really sees this space but us, but we have to make the best of what little we have.
While this century-old brick patio may not look like a haven to you, it certainly is to us! It is also a huge chore to keep looking nice. Well, er, sort of nice. Have you ever tried to manage the weeds in a century old brick patio? Trust me, it could be a full-time job. I do my best. We have some plants and a fire pit. It's nice enough for now.

Watson and I sat for several hours on the front stoop tonight. We've never done that before. It was really nice out and we got to see the neighborhood pass us by. Watson is a very active member of the neighborhood watch association.