She had her one month checkup this morning with her pediatrician. (Side bar: I LOVE her pediatrician. Is it weird if I say that I really just want to be friends with her? She's fab.) Margot is growing beautifully and is exactly in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.
She is changing every day it seems! Everywhere we take her, she delights the masses with her bright eyes and head full of downy soft hair. We just can't get enough of her cooing and smiles.
She hasn't shown much interest in any toys or stuffed animals yet, but she does seem to have a favorite song, Harry Belefonte's "Jump in the Line." It was stuck in my head one day when she was fussing, so I tracked down this Youtube video so we could listen to it and dance, and she immediately calmed down. Every time I tried to change the song, she started fussing again, so we listened to it on repeat for a solid 45 minutes. We have danced to it every day since!

Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, MJ, for an amazing first month as a family of three!