- I graduated with a Bachelor or Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. It feels good to be a B.S.

- We moved into our new flat in Saint Louis. It's great. It's old. It's not without it's quirks. We like it. We're still getting settled. Not everything is just how I want it to be, but at least all the boxes are unpacked!
- I started my graduate program at Saint Louis University on June 1. It's hard to believe that the summer classes are more than halfway done. I've learned a lot in a short amount of time. It has definitely been a challenge, and I feel a little lost every day. The burnout carryover from undergrad is strong. I wish I could have had some time off before jumping right into it, but it is what it is.
- We've met a lot of great people in Saint Louis already. I look forward to getting to know them better as time goes on.
- For reasons I do not feel comfortable sharing right now, this has been a really difficult summer. I say this, not to be melodramatic about life and my personal hardships, but to covet your prayers. Your continued love and prayers are of untold value to us right now. Thanks for that.
- Kyle starts orientation for law school on August 9. I am really excited for him. When we began this journey of applying to professional programs at the same time, we just prayed that we we would get into schools in the same city. Well, we are not only in the same city, but the same university, and our buildings are right next to each other on campus. This is an unbelievable miracle, as the odds were certainly not in our favor. We are praising Jesus for this undeserved goodness.
I hope you are having a wonderful summer, and any updates from you would be great. That is, if I still have any readers after my super-hiatus.