Alright, so I am boring. Again, I want to share my flowers and favorite things from around the house. What can I say? I am a simple girl... yeah, right!
These mums are absolutely gorgeous (if I do say so myself). It is a huge mass of deep red. Even the best photo could scarcely do it justice.

BRIGHT yellow! They almost glow!

My autumn center piece. Got all the gourds came from the Farmer's Market for $3. The tea is also quite good. That is my favorite mug.

If this were a little bit closer, you could see that this is an album by
The Dowry. It was given to us by a very good
friend. It was already sitting on this little table and looking very pretty. That's right, there's an elephant on the front which makes me like it automatically. You should check out this band.

I have so many little projects and favorite things happening right now. I will try to post again soon!