

My AARP (All About Romania Post) is coming.  I promise.  This is what you get for now. 
Today I was organizing the books on my shelf, and as I was looking through them, remembering each one, some stood out to me.  Some were amazing works of fiction that I thoroughly enjoyed, others that I battled to complete.  Most of my books, however, consist of non-fiction, which I usually enjoy.  Outside of the Bible, no other writings have influenced me so much as those of Elisabeth Elliot.  Of many things I've read from her, "Let Me Be a Woman" has been the most influential.  It helped me to realize my identity as a woman in Christ.  I almost feel as though she has been a personal mentor.  She is oldschool awesome. 
John Piper is another who is teaching me so much.  I've read a few of his works, but what I'm reading now is my favorite so far, and the most influential yet. 
Who are some teachers, authors, etc. that have influenced your life? 
p.s. C.S. Lewis is, of course, another one.


Back from Romania!

Romania was kickin'.  I will tell you more later.  For the next couple days I am going to be consumed with moving! 
"Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a fool.  I've got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope today that I don't get in a fight.  Ooohhhh, back to school, back to school..."
A prize goes to the first person to tell me where that came from.